Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tibetan New Year

Here's an old photo of Venerable Gyaltrul, Rinpoche initiating Kyote--Coyote Woman's longtime dog friend.
Rinpoche once mentioned that Kyote would be reborn as a human being--someone I would know.

It is Tibetan New Year, Losar, on Feb 25.
May all beings be free of suffering!
May all beings be happy--have the causes of happiness!
May the Tibetans be free to practice their religion and culture in Tibet without repression.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Coyote Women Meet in the Zocalo

Painted in Oaxaca in 1993 for El Dia de los Muertos

It's afternoon, the Coyote Women gossip with the Feathered Serpent under a tree in the main square. What could they be talking about? Perhaps the up-coming Mardi Gras comparsa and fiesta that precedes Lent. But then again they could be laughing about their latest adventures or who they are meeting at Bar Jardin later. I can only speculate!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Coyote Womans bouquet for Valentine's Day

Here's a little present for El Dia del Amor,
In Mexico, we celebrate all kinds of love,
not just romantic love. It is love that heals us.

The painting is of calla lillies in an ancient
anthropomorphic vase, like those found in
tombs of ancient Zapotecs.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Coyote Woman's Counsel

Coyote Woman Reviews her first 50 Years. Gouache painting by Mitzi Linn

Coyote Woman's Counsel

Coyote Woman Visits Abiqui, New Mexico--Gouache painting by Mitzi Linn

Coyote Woman said I could go out and pluck the moon from the sky.
She then told me to hold it in my palm and make a wish.

Like a pure crystal ball, I offered it to the Universe and
wished to have a free spirit, a loving heart and an adventurous life.

She said I should share it with other beings.