San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, has changed substantially since my last visit in 2000. There are pedestrian streets which are used by everyone. Buildings in el centro too are painted bright colors giving it a festive feeling. I lucked out and had 4 days of sunshine and though I didn´t make it out to Chamula because I also had a cold, I did walk the back streets some too, with Kiki on her way to her therapy office. I was so happy to be with her again. She and Gabriel and family are doing well with their various galeries, restaurants etc. You can check out Kiki´s work at www.kikitheartist.com. Gabriel too is a really fine wildlife photographer. Check out his stunning photos www.gabrielsuarezphoto.com
Kiki was diagnosed last year with an eye disease that reduces her sight to tunnel vision. Still she continues painting, photographing, writing and all her other myriad of activities.
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